Our School
Community School model increasing school readiness.
The Richardson Early Learning Community School offers the national Head Start early childhood education program for children and families. The Head Start program is designed to increase school readiness by supporting the social, emotional and cognitive development of young children. This goal is accomplished by providing a rich, age-appropriate learning environment, by engaging and supporting families and by connecting them with needed services through the community school model.
Community Partner help support needs of the children and their families.
A Community School is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources to more effectively engage and support the social, emotional and physical needs of children and their families.
Community partners co-locating at Richardson include:
Parents As Teachers
The KCPS Parents As Teachers program helps families develop good parenting skills as well as introduce them to the support services they and their children may need.
Success By Six Center
The Success By Six (SB6) Center at Richardson is an Urban Neighborhood Initiative and United Way program offering age-appropriate toy and book lending, and on-site child development activities for parents with young children.
The YMCA offers parenting workshops and age-appropriate physical activity programs such as “bitty sports” for younger children.
Other Partners
Other community partners include LINC, Cornerstones of Care and The Giving Grove.